Interactivity Digital – South Beach Miami

nteractivity Digital in South Beach Miami

Interactivity Digital 2013 - Miami

 Digital Marketing at its Best!

I recently returned from my first out-of-state digital marketing conference in South Beach Miami. It was an amazing trip and such a good learning experience. From the top-notch speaker presentations to the hospitality shown by the staff, Interactivity Digital 2013 was #AMAZEBALLS!

My day job as an Internet Marketing Specialist at comes with some awesome perks. Perks like getting approval to attend a premier digital marketing conference in South Beach Miami. If you are unfamiliar with the conference, it was put on by the awesome team at Interactivity Marketing from Conway, South Carolina.

I have been to a couple of smaller, local events like Phoenix WordCamp and some AZIMA events, but this was the first time I have attended such a big conference outside of my home state.

So What Did I Learn?

Good question! Nowadays online marketing can be difficult and covers a wide range of specialties.  The days of gaming the system to get ahead have been long gone for some time now. If you are truly trying to operate a sustainable business online, it really does take a dedicated, holistic approach when it comes to marketing.

This means that, in order to compete online in competitive verticals, you really need to be paying attention to all of these aspects of your business:

  1. Customer Service
  2. Unique Selling Propositon
  3. Product
  4. Website Design/Functionality
  5. SEO
  6. Social Media
  7. Email Marketing
  8. PPC
  9. Re-Targeting
  10. Direct Mail
  11. Traditional Advertising

What was my favorite part?

One of the best things about the conference was that I left with some very actionable tips and strategies to help our business continue to grow. Mission accomplished!

Another favorite part was getting to finally meet some of the people that I have been talking to online for a couple years now. It was a trip to see some people that I feel like I know, but have never actually met in real life.

Some of the leading digital marketers in the industry spoke at #ID2013.

Who was at this conference?

Speakers Included –

Just to name a few…

What type of sessions did they have?

Sessions Included –

  • Effectively Creating, Executing, and Tracking Your Digital Strategy
  • Getting Down to SEO Brass Tacks: Optimizing Your Site
  • Social Analytics – What are the KPIs that matter?
  • Mission Possible: Become a Search Marketing Spy through Competitive Analysis
  • Funneling Your Way to More Conversions
  • The Dawning of a New Email Era: The Trends You Need to Know

And many more…

I would highly recommend attending the next Conference (#IDSoCal), which is rumored to be in beautiful San Diego, California in December of 2013.

[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Interactivity Digital 2013 – South Beach” description=”Digital Marketing Conference in South Beach Miami. 5-15 to 5-16″ rev_name=”Digital Marketing Conference” author=”Chris Savage” pubdate=”2013-05-21″ user_review=”5″ min_review=”1″ max_review=”5″ ]

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